Lounas arkisin Forumissa 10.30-15.00
Lunch weekdays in Forum 10.30am to 3pm
Lounas Buffet Rakenna oma burrito tai taco annoksesi!
Burritot, tacot, enchilladat, quesadillat tarjolla koko päivän – valitse alta ateria ja täyte.
Salsa vaihtoehdot: mieto, medium, tulinen ja habanero.
G: gluteeniton, L: laktoositon, VL: vähälaktoosinen
Lunch buffet – create your own burrito or taco meal with different Suburritos fresh salsas & guacamole and many other fillings!
Burritos, tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas served all day. Choose your meal and filling from the lists below.
Salsa options: mild, medium, hot, habanero
GF=gluten free,LF=lactose free,LL=low lactose